Turtlebot navigation through narrow passageway
Hi all,
Im trying to get my turtlebot to navigate its way through a pretty narrow path of about 48cm wide. I tried to solve the problem by adjusting the inflation radius of all the parameters (costmap_common_params, global_costmap_params, local_costmap_params) but to no avail. The picture in the link ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/xiy0w8xkq5m... ) shows the error that I get when assign a 2D Nav goal to make the turtlebot go through the narrow passageway. The turtlebot also goes into recovery action followed by the "DWA planner failed to produce path" message and "Aborting because a valid plan could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors" message. I am using an RPLidar A2 sensor only.
current parameter settings:
costmap_common_params:- robot_radius: 0.20, inflation_radius: 0.25;
local_costmap_params:- inflation_radius: 0.20;
global_costmap_params:- inflation_radius: 0.25
Is there a rule of thumb for setting the costmap parameters for such a case or are there any other way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance!
try to shrink the inflation_radius in local cost map, or make the foot print smaller.
Thank you! The results have improved slightly!