Possible alternatives to ROS tf2
I am currently looking for a C++ coordinate transformation library to use. I have read through the ROS tf2 and found it to be a powerful library that can fit my use case well. The only concern is that tf2 seems to be coupled with ROS infra (a ROS core, its pubsub system, catkin build system, etc) pretty tightly, which is a little too heavy to our project. I am wondering if it's possible to use tf2 standalone w/o introducing the whole ROS or anyone happens to know some other library that could somehow reach feature parity with tf2. I have only one moving coordinate frame with a few static coordinate frames, so maybe the tree structure of tf2 is also a little overkill to me. Thanks a ton in advance!
tf1 was specifically modified to produce tf2 in order to make its core independent of ROS. What is your problem with using it standalone?
I haven't looked into tf2 core yet. Is there any documentation on how to use it standalone?