rospack cannot find package made by cmake even after sourcing
Hello all.
I am trying to run some of rviz tutorials at ros-visualization. In particular I am interested in "visualization_marker_tutorials". What I did, since I am more comfortable with cmake, was to:
cd visualization_marker_tutorials
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
It compiled without any issue and now I have a devel
directory in my build folder:
$ tree devel
├── lib
│ ├── pkgconfig
│ │ └── visualization_marker_tutorials.pc
│ └── visualization_marker_tutorials
│ ├── basic_shapes
│ └── points_and_lines
├── setup.bash
├── setup.zsh
└── share
└── visualization_marker_tutorials
└── cmake
├── visualization_marker_tutorialsConfig.cmake
└── visualization_marker_tutorialsConfig-version.cmake
Here is the problem. I did source devel/setup.bash
and it sets $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
to the root of build directory.
Now when I do rosrun using_markers points_and_lines
I have the error of rospack complaining it cannot find these packages. What is my mistake here? Is it due to the fact that I am not using catking build system? If so, is there a way to build generic ros packages with cmake?