I cannot convert xacro file to urdf
I have an issue about broadcasting some links at tf for which I have asked here. Someone commented that he solved my issue from converting the xacro file to a urdf one. How can I do that?
I have searched for the issue in questions like here and here and when I type:
rosrun xacro xacro.py rover_ws/src/labrob/labrob_description/urdf/labrob.urdf
rosrun xacro xacro.py 'rover_ws/src/labrob/labrob_description/urdf/labrob.urdf'
I get an error like the following:
xacro: Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing!
To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order.
For more infos, see http://wiki.ros.org/xacro#Processing_Order
No such file or directory: rover_ws/src/labrob/labrob_description/urdf/labrob.urdf
XacroException('No such file or directory: rover_ws/src/labrob/labrob_description/urdf/labrob.urdf',)
The directory is the correct one I am writting here, I don't know what I am doing wrong. Could you please help me?
Thanks for your answers and time in advance,
PS: I am in ROS Kinetic