No known controllers and their joints in MoveIt! when connecting real robot.
Hi, I was setting up MoveIt! for my robot, which uses ros_canopen as its driver. I used moveit_setup_assistant to generate the moveit_config package and follow this tutorial to configure MoveIt! to talk to the real robot.
Rostopic list shows that the FollowJointTrajectory action on the server side(robot driver) is ready:
My controller.yaml for the MoveIt side is
- name: joint_trajectory_controller
action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
type: FollowJointTrajectory
default: true
- I1_Joint
- T2_Joint
- T3_Joint
- i4_Joint
- t5_Joint
When I clicked the execute button in rviz, errors showed up:
[ERROR]: Unable to identify any set of controllers that can actuate the specified joints: [ I1_Joint T2_Joint T3_Joint i4_Joint t5_Joint ]
[ERROR] : Known controllers and their joints:
[ERROR] : Apparently trajectory initialization failed
The moveit_controller_manager.launch starts the moveit side for the system. I use Indigo and Ubuntu14.04.
Any help will be much appreciated.