[moveit_simple_controller_manager] Longer controller action timeout
I'm running MoveIt and Gazebo using a single launch file. Because my computer's slow, sometimes Gazebo takes quite a while to start, so I had to increase the timeout on my controller_manager spawner. Unfortunately, move_group / moveit_simple_controller_manager are quite impatient and throw the error "Action client not connected: /position_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory." Looking into the code, it looks like ActionBasedControllerHandle is hardcoded to wait 15 seconds and then give up (3 tries with 5 seconds in between).
Besides splitting up the launch file, is there a way to have the moveit_simple_controller_manager wait longer (or indefinitely) for the controllers? Or maybe some way to have move_group wait for a trigger before it tries to create the controller manager? Or a way to retrigger creating FollowJointTrajectoryControllerHandle after it has failed?