add hokuyu laser to quadrotor
is there a different way to do so,or is it similar to that mentioned here:
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is there a different way to do so,or is it similar to that mentioned here:
There is an example available within hector_quadrotor:
This model is using xacro scriptping to re-use different URDF model parts and adds the Gazebo plugin so the LIDAR is also available in simulation. Specifically, it uses a macro from the hokuyo_utm30lx.urdf.xacro file to add a Hokuyo LIDAR. This is different from the Turtlebot tutorial you linked, which only deals with updating the model without consideration of simulation.
Asked: 2016-11-06 07:57:21 -0500
Seen: 263 times
Last updated: Nov 06 '16