Raspberry PI 3 Model B + Kobuki source compilation problem
I tried to build the Kobuki node on my Raspberry PI 3 which is running on Raspbian OS (Jessie). And the rosdistro:indigo. rosversion:1.11.20. I typed command: roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch, but got the errors as followig: Error: cannot launch node of type [nodelet/nodelet]:can't locate node [nodelet] in package [nodelet] Error: cannot launch node of type [nodelet/nodelet]:can't locate node [nodelet] in package [nodelet] Error: cannot launch node of type [diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node]: can't locate node [aggregator_node] in package [diagnostic_aggregator]
Thanks a lot in advance
well, the error says it cannot find the respective packages. Thus, they either haven't been built or are not executable.
However, you say you have a "source compilation problem". So we need a description of how you tried to build/install this pacakage and any error output thereof.
I appreciate your reply. I downloaded the Kobuki source code from https://github.com/yujinrobot/kobuki.git . and other related packages to directory Kobuki. Then I used catkin_make_isolated command to build the Kobuki. But the errors are: Failed to process package 'urdf'
alright, so it the package