Bump Sensors on Simulated TurtletBot in kinetic
Can anyone get a reading from the bump sensors on a simulated turtlebot in Gazebo on kinetic?
I have 4 terminals open.
1) $ roscore
2) $ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch # run Gazebo simulation
3) $ rostopic pub -r 10 /mobile_base/commands/veloty geometry_msgs/Twist '{linear: {x:0.2}}' # move the turtlebot forward
4) $ rostopic echo /mobile_base/events/bumper # display any bumper messages
When the bot runs into an obstacle, and the bump sensor should be pressed, I'm getting no output in terminal 4. Can anyone confirm a different result or explain why there aren't any bumper messages?
I suspect this is not a problem on indigo.
Thanks a lot.