Problems resolving Jenkins build failure
I am attempting to debug a build failure that resulted after pushing a fairly innocuous change to a single source file in my package. The important parts of the build failure are as follows (from the Jenkins build output):
14:51:12 ==> Processing catkin package: 'multisense_lib'
14:51:12 ==> Creating build directory: 'build_isolated/multisense_lib'
14:51:36 <== Finished processing package [3 of 6]: 'multisense_lib'
14:51:36 ==> Processing catkin package: 'multisense_ros'
14:51:36 ==> Creating build directory: 'build_isolated/multisense_ros'
14:51:40 The dependency target "multisense_lib" of target "multisense_ros" does not
14:51:40 exist.
This has not been a problem in that past, and I don't have any problems building this myself (even in a very minimal chroot installation of 16.04). Unfortunately, the prerelease command I would use to try to recreate this issue consistently fails with a "Hash sum mismatch".
Any help would be appreciated!