Problem with hector autonomous navigation - The robot does not follow the path (Video)
I am new to hector_navigation and I am trying to implement autonomous exploration with my 3 wheel robot with a lidar on, using the hector's metapackages.
I ran the following:
Spawn my robot in a custom maze in gazebo
Roslaunch the robot_state_publisher
Rosrun the tf_broadacaster_from_base_link_to_map --> I wrote this node.
Roslaunch hector_mapping mapping_default.launch
Roslaunch hector_exploration_node exploration_planner.launch
Rosrun hector_exploraon_controller simple_exploration_controller
Rviz -->
1. display the exploration_path generated. 2. display the /hector_exploration_node/global_costmap/costmap map 3. display the /hector_exploration_node/global_costmap/footprint polygon 4. display /slam_out_pose pose 5. display the RobotModel
The robot's orientation and position in gazebo was in perfect coordination with the /slam_out_pose and not with the RobotModel and the /hector_exploration_node/global_costmap/footprint polygon.
The result I got can be seen in this video and now I am confused on what is wrong. I got no errors or warnings from the nodes I ran. Only info about the paths generated and some goals that the robot reached.
Do you have any idea what is the cause of this wrong behavior ?
In case you would like more info about what I did, please comment so I will reedit my question.
Thank you for your time and your answers in advance,