Nodelet disappears with no message

asked 2016-08-18 07:16:05 -0500

Eike gravatar image


I'm using nodelets for stereo camera image preprocessing, that is rescaling and gamma correction.

For some reason, from time to time, nodelets randomly disappear. There is no exception, assert or crash message of any kind.

This is all I see in the debug output is this:

[DEBUG] [1471521981.067288385]: Done unloading nodelet /resize_right
[DEBUG] [1471521981.067534176]: Publisher on '/perception_manager/bond' deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.067617300]: WallTimer deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.067700925]: Subscriber on '/perception_manager/bond' deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.067767626]: WallTimer deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.067837488]: WallTimer deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.068749150]: Subscriber on '/sensor/camera/right/image' deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.068820127]: WallTimer deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070383276]: Connection::drop(2)
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070461466]: TCP socket [30] closed
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070510868]: Connection::drop(0)
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070541364]: Connection::drop(2)
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070568845]: Connection::drop(2)
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070640282]: Publisher on '/statistics' deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.070690621]: Publisher on '/sensor/camera/right/image_small' deregistering callbacks.
[DEBUG] [1471521981.071985790]: Connection to local publisher on topic [/sensor/camera/right/image_small] dropped
[DEBUG] [1471521981.072029952]: Connection to local subscriber on topic [/sensor/camera/right/image_small] dropped
[DEBUG] [1471521981.103280770]: Received update for topic [/sensor/camera/right/image_small] (0 publishers)
[DEBUG] [1471521981.103410910]: Publisher update for [/sensor/camera/right/image_small]:  already have these connections: 
[DEBUG] [1471521981.132916738]: WallTimer deregistering callbacks.

Has anyone ever encountered this problem? Is there a way to debug this systematically?

Kind regards, Eike

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Could this be your issue?

Dimitri Schachmann gravatar image Dimitri Schachmann  ( 2016-08-19 02:37:09 -0500 )edit

Well, that at least explains why my stuff keeps disappearing. The /bond_disable_heartbeat_timeout doesn't fix it, but it may aid debugging. Thanks!

Eike gravatar image Eike  ( 2016-09-01 11:18:08 -0500 )edit