Problem with creating map with Robotino and without laser scan
I am using robotino and have no Laser Scanner. I am not having any topic publishing named /base_scan. But I want to user slam_gmapping to scan and create map from the bag file.
i used the code below:
rosparam set use_sim_time true
rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan
rosbag play --clock myRobotinoBagFile
rosrun map_server map_saver -f /tmp/mymapfile
In my bagfile I have /sonar_scan which is of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan ... but i do not know what is this actually. I have /odom (nav_msgs/Odemetry), /distance_sensors(sensor_msgs/pointclooud) , /cmd_val(geometry_msgs/Twist) etc. But the slam_gmapping requires topic of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan. As I do not have /base_scan , what is the solution to use this method for creating map. Is there any converter i need which can publish /odom or distance sensor data into LaserScan type.?(well it was a wild guss) Thank you all in advance.
EDIT: I tried to use the type converter... PontCloud to LaserScan and depthImage to laserScan. After I also tried to create the bag file. The bag file created but using that bag I was not able to make map. it says "waiting for map". I am sure I am doing some stupid mistake but cant figure it out.
no response !!
Hello, did you find any solution to your problem? I'm stuck on similar problem
Seems like no one in the ROS community is intereste to creat map :p I am sorry, but using this approach I could not create a map. I proceeeded with my futher tasks which was obstacle detection and avoidance.