Unable to locate package ros-fuerte-camera-pose
I am using ubuntu 14.04. I am trying to calibrate extrinsic camera. I am getting this error. any idea how to solve it ?
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I am using ubuntu 14.04. I am trying to calibrate extrinsic camera. I am getting this error. any idea how to solve it ?
Due to at least the following two reasons, I suggest you use newer version of ROS unless you have a very specific need. 1) it's been quite a long since fuerte
has been replaced with newer ROS distributions. 2) You're using Ubuntu 14.04, on which only ROS Indigo or Jade
are officially supported.
Asked: 2016-06-12 07:51:33 -0500
Seen: 82 times
Last updated: Jun 14 '16
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