rviz process has died.

asked 2016-04-14 21:21:58 -0500

littlestar gravatar image

updated 2016-04-15 02:48:26 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

I run the rviz and it is wrong. I use ubuntu 14.04 indigo.

[rviz-5] process has died [pid 10735, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/andy/catkin_ws/src/ceshi/launch/display.vcg __name:=rviz __log:=/home/andy/.ros/log/c45a8ee0-02af-11e6-9049-e09467d421dc/rviz-5.log].
log file: /home/andy/.ros/log/c45a8ee0-02af-11e6-9049-e09467d421dc/rviz-5*.log

the launch file is

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <arg name="model" />
    <arg name="gui" default="False" />
    <param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro.py $(arg model)" />
    <param name="use_gui" value="$(arg gui)"/>
    <node name="joint_state_publisher" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher" ></node>
    <node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher" />

    <node name="odometry" pkg="ceshi" type="odometry" />
    <node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="-d $(find ceshi)/launch/display.vcg" />

and the display.vcg

    Background\ ColorB=0
Background\ ColorG=0
Background\ ColorR=0
Fixed\ Frame=/odom
Grid.Cell\ Size=1
Grid.Line\ Style=0
Grid.Line\ Width=0.03
Grid.Normal\ Cell\ Count=0
Grid.Plane\ Cell\ Count=10
Grid.Reference\ Frame=<Fixed Frame>
Odometry.Angle\ Tolerance=0.1
Odometry.Position\ Tolerance=0.1
Property\ Grid\ Splitter=294,78
Property\ Grid\ State=expanded=.Global Options,Odometry.Enabled;splitterratio=0.5
Robot\ Model.Alpha=1
Robot\ Model.Collision\ Enabled=0
Robot\ Model.Enabled=1
Robot\ Model.Robot\ Description=robot_description
Robot\ Model.TF\ Prefix=
Robot\ Model.Update\ Interval=0
Robot\ Model.Visual\ Enabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_footprintAlpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_footprintEnabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_footprintShow\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_footprintShow\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_linkAlpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_linkEnabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_linkShow\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_linkShow\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_scan_linkAlpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_scan_linkEnabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_scan_linkShow\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ base_scan_linkShow\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ laser_base_linkAlpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ laser_base_linkEnabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ laser_base_linkShow\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ laser_base_linkShow\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_1Alpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_1Enabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_1Show\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_1Show\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_2Alpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_2Enabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_2Show\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_2Show\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_3Alpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_3Enabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_3Show\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_3Show\ Trail=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_4Alpha=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_4Enabled=1
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_4Show\ Axes=0
Robot\:\ Robot\ Model\ Link\ wheel_4Show\ Trail=0
Target\ Frame=/base_footprint
Tool\ 2D\ Nav\ GoalTopic ...
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It looks like you're using a vcg file, which is the older rviz config format. Which version of ROS are you using?

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2016-04-14 21:43:05 -0500 )edit

In addition to what @ahendrix asked: this is most likely not all output that RViz produced. Did it print any warnings or errors before it exited?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2016-04-15 02:49:17 -0500 )edit

indigo. The vcg file is the older rviz config format,and I do not know how to change it to the rviz file. I just started learning ROS, and I can not find the tutorial that how to write the rviz file. Can you tell some website that about rviz tutorial?

littlestar gravatar image littlestar  ( 2016-04-16 00:19:22 -0500 )edit

There is not other warinings or errors before it exited.

littlestar gravatar image littlestar  ( 2016-04-16 00:20:30 -0500 )edit

See if it starts if you remove the args attribute on the rviz node in your launch file. If it does, it's most likely the old version config file that is causing this.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2016-04-16 01:36:10 -0500 )edit

I remove the rviz node and it is ok. And I do not know how to write a .rviz file because the .vcg file is a example. Do you know where can I learn how to write a .rviz file?

littlestar gravatar image littlestar  ( 2016-04-16 01:58:31 -0500 )edit

No, you shouldn't remove the rviz node, just remove the argsattribute, so it doesn't try to load the .vcg file. And you don't need to write a .rviz by hand, it's automatically generated by RViz if you save the window configuration.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2016-04-16 02:37:43 -0500 )edit