How can I connect optitrack and ros together?
Hi, I'm using Ubuntu12.04 installed ROS indigo, I made a catkin workspace and git clone mocap_optitrack into it. I have another computer with windows system, which installed Motive. I want to get data in ros from Optitrack system. Do I need NatNet any more?
Now I don't know how to configure. Could anyone tell me how to configure in Motive and in mocap_optitrack in detail? Must I use ros_vrpn_client? I'll appreciate if you could help.
PS: I followed the instructions in , downloaded package at .
I can run /mocap_node successfully, and can get rqt_graph, which indicate /mocap_node can send messages to pose_stamper_1. But when I run rostopic echo /rigid_body_1/pose, I can get nothing. So I don't konw if Motive really connect with ros successfully. I don't know what to do next.
I am using ros_vrpn_client for my optitrack with motive setup, and it works perfectly fine. Just make sure they are on the same network with firewall disabled and motive trackers activated. Of course you have to setup your launch file to match your Motive PC IP, port and tracker name.
Hi, I just followed your advice, config my launch file: Motive PC IP, port, and tracker name,but in the terminal windows, it just said connection established, but no more, no messages at all. Is that a real connection? How can I get see the specific data?
Check to see if your node, ros_vrpn_client, is running with the command "rosnode list". Then check to see if the topic it publishes the data to is active with the command "rostopic list", if you find your topic, named after your trackable id, then use "rostopic echo your_topic_name" to see the data.
To use the data you have to make a node yourself and subscribe to the topic that ros_vrpn_client publishes to. See ROS Tutorial for help.
Thank you for your reply, I restarted my Optitrack system and reconfig it, then I can get data using mocap_optitrack. Thanks!
Cheers, glad it worked out. I'll post the comments as an answer, and then you can check it as solved.
hi, ros_geller can you tell me how to configure the launch file to match my motive PC IP,port and tracker name.
@ros_geller I ran rosnode list and vrpn_client_node did exist but when I ran rostopic list it only showed me /rosout and /rosout_agg Why is that?