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ROS installation on Virtual Machine

asked 2016-02-13 01:29:44 -0500

RobTool gravatar image

Hello All,

I am a newbie to ROS and would like to get started with it. I have my computer with Windows 7 32 Bit OS. Would it be wise to install virtual machine and then to install Linux to have ROS platform for development or I should go on to buy a new computer with Linux as an OS to start with ROS. Basically, I do not want to invest in new computer until I get some expertise in ROS so was thinking to go with VM option.

What version of Linux and ROS would be best in my case?


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3 Answers

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answered 2016-02-13 03:27:15 -0500

Virtual machine is a good way to start learning ROS, avoids issues with linux and hardware issues as you first start. Ubuntu 14.04 with Indigo ROS is the current long term support combination.

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So VMware is better?

RobTool gravatar image RobTool  ( 2016-02-13 03:48:07 -0500 )edit

@RobTool There is a pre-built VM image from Nootrix with these LTS versions (Ubuntu 14.04 / ROS Indigo), so it may save you some time. If I am not mistaken, there is also ready to use catkin workspace in ~/catkin_ws.

Boris gravatar image Boris  ( 2016-02-13 06:51:27 -0500 )edit

It's your decision, based on the information you have given it would seem wise to spend some time using a VM to get an idea of using ROS. Only you can say when buying a dedicated machine is a good cost/benefit decision. Given that you can try vm for no outlay it seems to make sense as a first step

nickw gravatar image nickw  ( 2016-02-13 14:46:23 -0500 )edit

You could also install Linux alongside windows and create a dual boot machine rather than buy an additional machine, bit I would be inclined to try a vm first to see if any of the more complicated/expensive options are worth it.

nickw gravatar image nickw  ( 2016-02-13 14:58:02 -0500 )edit

answered 2016-02-13 22:31:13 -0500

RobTool gravatar image

Thanks to All for replying my query.

I am going to install VMware with Linux and then ROS. Let see how it goes with me.


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Close the answer please

duck-development gravatar image duck-development  ( 2016-02-14 13:02:51 -0500 )edit

answered 2016-02-13 11:12:10 -0500

duck-development gravatar image

The Problem with a VM ist the openGL Support. RVIZ and Gazebo may not work proper. VM Play has an better USB Support ans graphics support, then VirtualBox Grete Anton.

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With what VM did you have issues? I never had any problems on any of virtual machines, neither on Virtual Box nor VM Ware nor Parallels (on OS X). If the graphics are working well in your host OS (for me usually Linux or OS X), then all you need are guest OS drivers suppled by VM vendor.

Boris gravatar image Boris  ( 2016-02-13 11:29:15 -0500 )edit

Ros runs like a charm, I have installed the guest tools but it did not work. Rviz crashed often and gazebo did not start.

duck-development gravatar image duck-development  ( 2016-02-13 11:34:09 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-02-13 01:29:44 -0500

Seen: 14,648 times

Last updated: Feb 13 '16