RGBDSLAM v2 with Depthsense [closed]

asked 2015-11-26 06:33:49 -0600

anonymous user


I'm having problems combining my Depthsense ROS Topics to the subscribers of RGBDSLAM v2.

When i do "rostopic info" of the 2 publishing images that the Depthsense program sends, the link is present.

timothy@ThinkPad:~/rgbdslam_catkin_ws$ rostopic info /softkinetic_camera/depth/image_raw
Type: sensor_msgs/Image

 * /softkinetic_camera (http://ThinkPad:33238/)

 * /rgbdslam (http://ThinkPad:49562/)

timothy@ThinkPad:~/rgbdslam_catkin_ws$ rostopic info /softkinetic_camera/rgb/image_color
Type: sensor_msgs/Image

 * /softkinetic_camera (http://ThinkPad:33238/)

 * /rgbdslam (http://ThinkPad:49562/)

Yet the program is still waiting for data from the topics.


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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by anonymous24903
close date 2015-11-27 05:33:31.832600


I've checked the topics with the image data from the Depthsense SDK with the image_view package. With succes. So i doubt it's a SDK problem :s

anonymous userAnonymous ( 2015-11-26 08:46:03 -0600 )edit

can you post the output of "rostopic list"?

MichaelKorn gravatar image MichaelKorn  ( 2015-11-27 04:29:16 -0600 )edit

Found the problem. The images are read by a callback that runs on the camera_info stream. I didn't link the camera_info stream. So that was the problem. Still thanks to reply!

anonymous userAnonymous ( 2015-11-27 05:30:12 -0600 )edit