Kinect Xbox360 model 1414 with ROS Indigo, Linux 14.04
heellooooo... i hope someone can help me solving my problem.. now i had Kinect Xbox360 model 1414, my computer using ROS Indigo with LINUX 14.04 LTS everytime i launch for openni_launch or freenect_launch the result always same
[ INFO] [1446551218.829214700]: No devices connected.... waiting for devices to be connected
i've connected the Kinect to my pc through USB3.0... i really confused what should i do next.. people said that openni_launch can't be run in Indigo. is this what they mean? but why the freenect.launch result the same thing? i've installed NITE package and OpenNI package either, so does the freenect and it's dependencies.
Try USB2.0
i tried it, but still got the same problem. how to connect xbox360 to my pc physically? just plug the USB port right?
It's because i haven't connected the adaptor. Lol