Mapping performance of Asus Xtion Pro vs Xtion Pro LIVE
I want to buy one of the Asus Xtion sensor models and this question is for to make sure about which model, before i make the purchase.
I want to use one of the models of the Asus Xtion Pro sensor ONLY for gmapping (SLAM) and to build 2D maps. For my application I prefer the device with the minimum required features, meaning that if the RGB sensor is not necessary for my SLAM application then I prefer to ignore it and purchase the "Asus Xtion Pro" (which comes without-RGB camera) instead of the "Pro LIVE" RGB-D version.
Is an Asus Xtion Pro (no RGB sensor) able to do the job for depthimage_to_laserscan conversion & gmapping slam in order to create 2DCostmaps or do i have to provide both of the RGB and depth_image for that purpose? PRO or PRO LIVE !?
Thanks in advance!