Publishing in different topics for each wheel
How can I (having a 6-wheeled robot and using the DiffDrivePlugin6w from hectorgazebo plugins) make that each wheel subscribes in a different topic: Now I've been able to make that all the wheels move at the same time (they are all "answering" to the cmd_vel topic), but I'd like something like cmd_vel_front_left topic,....
<plugin name="DiffDrivePlugin6W" filename="">
<frontRightJoint>front_right_wheel_joint </frontRightJoint>
<midLeftJoint>medium_left_wheel_joint </midLeftJoint>
<midRightJoint>medium_right_wheel_joint </midRightJoint>
<rearLeftJoint>back_left_wheel_joint </rearLeftJoint>
<rearRightJoint>back_right_wheel_joint </rearRightJoint>
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