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Cannot determine map extends in hector_mapping and hector_geotiff [closed]

asked 2015-07-28 06:17:17 -0500

imadu gravatar image


I'm trying making map with hector_slam and Hokuyo LRF modifying the tutorial. I can see map developing on rviz (/scan frame on Fixed Frame /map). But when I publish 'rostopic pub syscommand std_msgs/String "savegeotiff"', I cannot get any maps with error;

[ INFO] [1438081626.473636531]: HectorSM sysMsgCallback, msg contents: savegeotiff
[ INFO] [1438081626.475337758]: HectorSM Map service called
[ INFO] [1438081626.492065364]: GeotiffNode: Map service called successfully
[ INFO] [1438081626.499347522]: Cannot determine map extends!
[ INFO] [1438081626.499403181]: Couldn't set map transform

I cannot find out why this error occur though I'm trying to understand the source. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you.

This is full message on the console

[ INFO] [1438081500.856869592]: Successfully initialized hector_geotiff MapWr
iter plugin TrajectoryMapWriter.
[ INFO] [1438081500.856948086]: Geotiff node started
[ INFO] [1438081573.927581535]: GeotiffNode: Map service called successfully

[ INFO] [1438081573.934819309]: Cannot determine map extends!
[ INFO] [1438081573.934850665]: Couldn't set map transform
[ INFO] [1438081500.666433896]: Waiting for tf transform data between frames 
/map and scanmatcher_frame to become available
[ INFO] [1438081510.667246287]: Finished waiting for tf, waited 10.000887 sec
HectorSM map lvl 0: cellLength: 0.05 res x:2048 res y: 2048
HectorSM map lvl 1: cellLength: 0.1 res x:1024 res y: 1024
[ INFO] [1438081500.724864802]: HectorSM p_base_frame_: base_frame
[ INFO] [1438081500.724987282]: HectorSM p_map_frame_: map
[ INFO] [1438081500.725028485]: HectorSM p_odom_frame_: base_frame
[ INFO] [1438081500.725066578]: HectorSM p_scan_topic_: scan
[ INFO] [1438081500.725102459]: HectorSM p_use_tf_scan_transformation_: true

[ INFO] [1438081500.725137857]: HectorSM p_pub_map_odom_transform_: true
[ INFO] [1438081500.725173444]: HectorSM p_scan_subscriber_queue_size_: 5
[ INFO] [1438081500.725213903]: HectorSM p_map_pub_period_: 2.000000
[ INFO] [1438081500.725251141]: HectorSM p_update_factor_free_: 0.400000
robog@Ubuntu14LTS:~$ roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial_imadu.launch
... logging to /home/robog/.ros/log/ef628d60-350d-11e5-adf9-002618b201c9/roslaunch-Ubuntu14LTS-5286.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://Ubuntu14LTS:39435/


 * /hector_geotiff_node/draw_background_checkerboard: True
 * /hector_geotiff_node/draw_free_space_grid: True
 * /hector_geotiff_node/geotiff_save_period: 0.0
 * /hector_geotiff_node/map_file_base_name: hector_slam_map
 * /hector_geotiff_node/map_file_path: /opt/ros/indigo/s...
 * /hector_geotiff_node/plugins: hector_geotiff_pl...
 * /hector_mapping/advertise_map_service: True
 * /hector_mapping/base_frame: base_frame
 * /hector_mapping/laser_z_max_value: 1.0
 * /hector_mapping/laser_z_min_value: -1.0
 * /hector_mapping/map_frame: map
 * /hector_mapping/map_multi_res_levels: 2
 * /hector_mapping/map_resolution: 0.05
 * /hector_mapping/map_size: 2048
 * /hector_mapping/map_start_x: 0.5
 * /hector_mapping/map_start_y: 0.5
 * /hector_mapping/map_update_angle_thresh: 0.06
 * /hector_mapping/map_update_distance_thresh: 0.4
 * /hector_mapping/odom_frame: base_frame
 * /hector_mapping/pub_map_odom_transform: True
 * /hector_mapping/scan_subscriber_queue_size: 5
 * /hector_mapping/scan_topic: scan
 * /hector_mapping/tf_map_scanmatch_transform_frame_name: scanmatcher_frame
 * /hector_mapping/update_factor_free: 0.4
 * /hector_mapping/update_factor_occupied: 0.9
 * /hector_mapping/use_tf_pose_start_estimate: False
 * /hector_mapping/use_tf_scan_transformation: True
 * /hector_trajectory_server/source_frame_name: scanmatcher_frame
 * /hector_trajectory_server/target_frame_name: /map
 * /hector_trajectory_server/trajectory_publish_rate: 0.25
 * /hector_trajectory_server/trajectory_update_rate: 4.0
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.13
 * /use_sim_time: True

    hector_geotiff_node (hector_geotiff/geotiff_node)
    hector_mapping (hector_mapping/hector_mapping)
    hector_trajectory_server (hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server)


core service [/rosout] found
process[hector_mapping-1]: started with pid [5304]
HectorSM map lvl 0: cellLength: 0.05 res x:2048 res y: 2048
process[hector_trajectory_server-2]: started with pid [5387]
[ INFO] [1438081607.035704603]: Waiting for tf transform data between frames /map and scanmatcher_frame to become available
HectorSM map lvl 1: cellLength: 0.1 res x:1024 res y: 1024
process[hector_geotiff_node-3]: started with pid ...
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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by imadu
close date 2015-08-04 10:08:20.526022

1 Answer

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answered 2015-08-02 04:45:03 -0500

imadu gravatar image

I found what was wrong. It was not problem of configuration of hector_mapping nor hector_geotiff.

I had forgotten to change param /use_sim_time when I changed sesnor input from rosbag to an actual URG. After I changed /use_sim_time to false, it worked well.

I'm sorry for my simple mistake.

I wrote that I can see map developing on rviz (/scan frame on Fixed Frame /map). But actually I couldn't see /map topic on rviz before parameter correction. (I checked /scan and misunderstood that was /map)

Thank you for your attension.

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Asked: 2015-07-28 06:17:17 -0500

Seen: 487 times

Last updated: Aug 02 '15