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Сonvert the pointcloud data to laserscan

asked 2015-07-14 11:05:49 -0600

updated 2015-07-14 11:06:24 -0600

Hello, ROS Community! I have a problem in understanding of the nodes from launch file. kinect_to_laser.launch:

<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch"></include>
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="openni_manager" output="screen" respawn="true" args="manager"></node>
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="pointcloud_throttle" args="load pointcloud_to_laserscan/CloudThrottle openni_manager">
<param name="max_rate" value="2"></param>
<remap from="cloud_in" to="/camera/depth/points"></remap>
<remap from="cloud_out" to="cloud_throttled"></remap></node>
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="kinect_laser" args="load pointcloud_to_laserscan/CloudToScan openni_manager">
<param name="output_frame_id" value="/openni_depth_frame"></param>
<remap from="cloud" to="cloud_throttled"></remap>

When I run the launch file, I get the errors that openni_manager, pointcloud_throttle and kinect_laser nodes are not exist.

I figure out that they are not exist, but what can I use ?

Pls, explain me what I can do and I will be glad to get any other full answer about sensor data manipulation

Distribution: Indigo OS: Ubuntu 14.04 Sensor: Kinect XBOX 360 openni.launch runs without errors

Thank you

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Did you install pointcloud_to_laserscan?

dornhege gravatar image dornhege  ( 2015-07-14 11:37:59 -0600 )edit

Yes, I have the package that is located /opt/ros/indigo/share/pointcloud_to_laserscan.

dyupleks gravatar image dyupleks  ( 2015-07-14 23:54:00 -0600 )edit

does it not matter that my package with launch file is not in catkin workplace?

dyupleks gravatar image dyupleks  ( 2015-07-15 00:07:30 -0600 )edit

According to the list in the error message I suspect the nodelet was renamed. There is only one left in the list named pointcloud_to_laserscan_nodelet. Maybe try this one instead and remove the throttle.

dornhege gravatar image dornhege  ( 2015-07-15 03:33:05 -0600 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-07-15 01:59:13 -0600

updated 2015-07-20 08:05:05 -0600

I was searching the answer to my question and there is tfoote's answer that I paid attention :

"Sorry the docs were out of date. It has moved from the ni stack to the turtlebot stack. It's a unreviewed/released glue package used in the turtlebot ...."

pointcloud_to_laserscan package belongs to Turtlebot's stack. In the Turtlebot page , I found packages as cloud_throttle and others in electric and fuerte distributions that are not listed in indigo and hydro. I would like to say that the packages are not included in last ROS distributions. OR maybe, the packages were renamed ...
Am I right?

As you advised, I removed nodes and my launch file looks like :

<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch"></include>
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="kinect_laser" args="load pointcloud_to_laserscan/CloudToScan openni_manager">
<param name="output_frame_id" value="/openni_depth_frame"></param>
<remap from="cloud" to="cloud_throttled"></remap>

And, the result :

So, it is clear that the launch file runs only openni.launch, that it was not my initial task.

I was trying to follow your advice, but I dont understand what i should write in name=" " and type=" ". I know that I need to run a container for all nodelets, a nodelet for handling frequency of cloud points and a nodelet for cutting horizontal segments. But, I dont know the syntax and what the package I can use.

Here , the question is the same as mine, but author understood the answers without any explanation, not like me. Dont you know how to use depthimage_to_laserscan ?

The problem is solved!

<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch"/>
<remap from="image" to="/camera/depth/image_raw"/>
<node pkg="depthimage_to_laserscan" name="depthimage_to_laserscan" type="depthimage_to_laserscan">
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz"/>

My fault was in misunderstanding. I thought that depthimage_to_laserscan replaced openni_launch and I cannot use them together... Thank you, dornhege, for your answers

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The nodelet name after load seems to have been renamed. Replace it by the matching one in the long list in your error.

dornhege gravatar image dornhege  ( 2015-07-15 09:39:12 -0600 )edit

In that case I'd just start the node and use that.

dornhege gravatar image dornhege  ( 2015-07-16 09:01:26 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-07-14 11:05:49 -0600

Seen: 614 times

Last updated: Jul 20 '15