kinect xbox 360
Hello! There are many questions about kinect installation in ROS community and my question is not original in it. But... I would like to sum up my understanding about this problems by asking the question: Am I right that drivers of sensor "kinect xbox 360" model 1414 does NOT install to ubuntu 14.02 precise, Hydro distribution?
It is true that I am not UNIX guru and sometimes I can not think out how to modify commands likes experienced users. Anyway, I figured out that many manuals are outdated currently and the files are edited in the repositories. I meant the manuals: , and etc.
Also, I can not understand theoretically the relation between Hydro distribution and the kinect driver. Is the relation there?
Pls, give me an advice what I can do for installation kinect xbox 360 driver or kinect for microsoft on ubuntu. It is possible to reinstall another ROS distribution and ubuntu version, if it will be needed.