what is a frame?
I am new to ROS programming. I just finished reading the tutorial of beginner level, and I can write basic pub, sub and service nodes.
I'm trying to read "Introduction to tf", http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Intr... I read this article over and over again, but I still can't understand what does the "frame" means.
In that article, it said there are three frames, there are two broadcasters (nodes) publishes frames to turtle_pointer (node). I know pub/sub and message. So.. the frames is those messages between publisher and subscriber??
In common sense, a (coordinate) frame is a system to use numbers to determine positions. (wiki) And we can have many separated coordinate frames. Say.. turtle1 can have frame1, turtle2 can have frame2. But what will it to be use??
If I moves turtle1, it means turtle1 changes its position in frame1, right? Turtle1 is in a position in frame1, turtle2 is in a position in frame2. How the turtle2 knows where is the turtle1??
Is the "world" frame can determine the position of two turtle[1 and 2] frames in world frame??
Any comment will be appreciated.