qrcode_detection problem
hi everyone
I want to use hector_qrcode_detection package. But i dont know if an uvc cemera is enough. In the launch file i see three different vision sources:
<launch> <remap from="image_percept" to="worldmodel/image_percept" /> <node name="qrcode_detection_kinect" pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="load hector_qrcode_detection/qrcode_detection openni/openni_nodelet_manager"> <remap from="openni/image" to="/image_raw" /> <remap from="openni/image_percept" to="worldmodel/image_percept" /> <remap from="openni/image/qrcode" to="image/qrcode" /> <remap from="openni/image/camera_info" to="image/camera_info" /> </node> <node name="qrcode_detection_pseye_left" pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="load hector_qrcode_detection/qrcode_detection pseye_camera_left"> <remap from="image" to="left/image_mono" /> </node> <node name="qrcode_detection_pseye_right" pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="load hector_qrcode_detection/qrcode_detection pseye_camera_right"> <remap from="image" to="right/image_mono" /> </node> </launch>
Do i need to add kinect and another camera to use it? Honestly i can not do it with my uvc camera.