Are there different ways to control an Arduino instead of using the Terminal?
At the moment I am using ROS-serial and an Arduino robot, which is connected via USB to the computer. The control is based on sending commands through the Terminal. Just like that :rostopic pub Roll std_msgs/Empty --once
I am not very familiar with ROS, so I would like to ask if there other ways or alternatives that you guys have experience with or would suggest? Maybe is there way like using the Serial monitor? But I've read that is not possible !?
I would be appreciate for any help or suggestions,
Thanks ,
I suggest you to explain more your architecture and your goal.
My goal is to control a robot via openHAB. openHAB has an event Bus middleware, which comes with an openHAB runtime server. This system provides several bindings to be able to communicate with the hardware side. My first use case is to connect my Arduino robot to openHAB and is based on a serial binding or tcp binding. Controlling the robot is by clicking a button openHAB (GUI), which sends chars to the robot. Because of these bindings , there is already a connection between my robot and openHAB.
Now what I am trying to do is basically the same thing, but this time I am using ROS+Arduino. The ROS Arduino works fine with the rosserial. In this case we have two servers, which are running in the same time. 1. OpenHAB and 2. ROS. So I am thinking about a way to bypass using rostopic.
@Johan: I've removed your answer (which was more of a comment) and updated your original question with the new information. For future reference: please use answers only to post answers, and comments for discussing answers. Everything else -> update original question.