Launch file for package not running with rosrun
I am making a package to communicate with an Arduino that I have on my robot to control it. I have the package on github here. When I run rosrun ros_arduino_python arduino.launch
I get the following error:
/home/lukas/catkin_ws/install/share/ros_arduino_python/ros_arduino_python/launch/arduino.launch: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token
newline' /home/lukas/catkin_ws/install/share/ros_arduino_python/ros_arduino_python/launch/arduino.launch: line 1:
Sorry about the formatting, I gues ros like using the little backwards quotes... Anyway, here is my launch file, arduino.launch:
<node name="arduino" pkg="ros_arduino_python"
<rosparam file="$(find ros_arduino_python)/config/my_arduino_params.yaml"
command="load" />
The rest of the code is on github. I am only 13 so the more help I can get the better. Thanks, L