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problem with catkin and pcl_ros

asked 2015-02-24 08:07:03 -0500

JacoPisa gravatar image

hi, after give from terminal the catkin_make command, it give an error that say:

CMake Error at /home/jacopo/catkin_ws/devel/share/pcl_ros/cmake/pcl_rosConfig.cmake:106 (message):
  Project 'pcl_ros' specifies '/usr/include/ni' as an include dir, which is
  not found.  It does neither exist as an absolute directory nor in

i've found in the web that the manual removing of the /usr/include/ni from the /opt/ros/hydro/share/pcl_ros/cmake/pcl_rosConfig.cmake can solve the problem. after removing it, you could see that the error is no more from that directory, but from the devel directory of catkin... how i can solve that problem??

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-02-24 08:41:03 -0500

paulbovbel gravatar image

You're missing dependencies. Run

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro [hydro/indigo] -y

on your workspace, using the appropriate distro tag.

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i cannot understand what from-paths src and --ignore-src -- means can you explain well or link some pages? cause i really cannot understand what you'd write.

JacoPisa gravatar image JacoPisa  ( 2015-02-24 09:10:29 -0500 )edit

rosdep has built in documentation. Run rosdep install -h

paulbovbel gravatar image paulbovbel  ( 2015-02-24 09:52:25 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-02-24 08:07:03 -0500

Seen: 2,601 times

Last updated: Feb 24 '15