Launching Simulated Kinect on Pr2/Gazebo and get same topics as in openni_launch

asked 2015-02-23 17:00:18 -0500

Fred Ferreira gravatar image

Hey Guys,

i have pr2 running in simulation with gazebo and I am trying to get /head_mount_kinect/rgb/image_color or /head_mount_kinect/depth/image using the command below roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch load_driver:=false depth_registration:=true camera:=head_mount_kinect

but that are no messages when I echo these topics (no messages received and simulated time is active).

Is there another way to get these data in simulated environment/simulated kinect? I can get the raw images but not the ones that I want to use image_proc_nodelets.


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Hi. I am getting the same problem. did you solve it?

doras gravatar image doras  ( 2017-08-01 04:54:19 -0500 )edit