TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame odom
Hello everyone
I was using ROS hydro, however I updated Ubuntu and installed ROS indigo in my computer. I am writing to you because I am currently trying to make a robot which goes from an estimated point to an aim point, for this I need to use tf (to find the robots estimated position), but when I execute my program the following warnings appear
warn: worldfile /home/diego/MobileRobots/src/AIS_worlds/ : property [interval_real] is defined but not used (/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1-2trusty-20141229-2215/libstage/ WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile /home/diego/MobileRobots/src/AIS_worlds/ : property [gui_movemask] is defined but not used (/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1-2trusty-20141229-2215/libstage/ WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile /home/diego/MobileRobots/src/AIS_worlds/ : property [laser_return] is defined but not used (/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1-2trusty-20141229-2215/libstage/ WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile /home/diego/MobileRobots/src/AIS_worlds/ : property [laser_return] is defined but not used (/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1-2trusty-20141229-2215/libstage/ WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile /home/diego/MobileRobots/src/AIS_worlds/ : property [range_max] is defined but not used (/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1-2trusty-20141229-2215/libstage/ WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile /home/diego/MobileRobots/src/AIS_worlds/ : property [resolution] is defined but not used (/tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-stage-4.1.1-2trusty-20141229-2215/libstage/ WarnUnused)
[ INFO] [1422453286.760958942]: found 1 position and laser(1)/camera(0) pair in the file
Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame odom at time 0.5 according to authority unknown_publisher
Possible reasons are listed at
at line 260 in /tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-tf2-0.5.7-0trusty-20141230-0040/src/buffer_core.cpp
I can cope with this if this it's just a simple problem or something with no importance (the map is loading perfectly), however the warning of TF_OLD_DATA is appearing at every 0.1s, Additionally I suspect that the robot is not receiving estimated position correctly:
[ INFO] [1422454423.865170946, 13.100000000]: POS estimated_x = 33.027127, aim_X= 33.800000, estimated_y =7.292175, aim_Y= -40.000000, dist = 47.298490
[ INFO] [1422454423.865415347, 13.100000000]: POS estimated_x = 33.027127, aim_X= 33.800000, estimated_y =7.292175, aim_Y= -40.000000, dist = 47.298490
Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame odom at time 13.3 according to authority unknown_publisher
Possible reasons are listed at
at line 260 in /tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-tf2-0.5.7-0trusty-20141230-0040/src/buffer_core.cpp
[ INFO] [1422454423.968773001, 13.200000000]: POS estimated_x = 33.027127, aim_X= 33.800000, estimated_y =7.292175, aim_Y= -40.000000, dist = 47.298490
[ INFO] [1422454423.969095065, 13.200000000]: POS estimated_x = 33.079496, aim_X= 33.800000, estimated_y =7.323241, aim_Y= -40.000000, dist = 47.328725
Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame odom at time 13.4 according to authority unknown_publisher
Possible reasons are listed at
at line 260 in /tmp/buildd/ros-indigo-tf2-0.5.7-0trusty-20141230-0040/src/buffer_core.cpp
[ INFO] [1422454424.062837413, 13.300000000]: POS estimated_x = 33 ...
is this all running on the same computer, or are some nodes running on different machines running on your network? (I'm wondering if it's a networking problem rather than a ROS-specific problem.)
They are running on the same computer. Actually it's just one .cpp file. I can put it here if you want. Also I can upload the .launch file in case there is something missing
If you can provide a way for us to reproduce the problem, then we can really help you. Otherwise it's mostly guessing.
I have the same issue. I tried first
rosparam set use_sim_time true
before replaying bag file.I also tried setting
<param name ="/use_sim_time" value="true"/>
to launch file, but I am still getting the same error.I am running SLAM toolbox within the docker so not sure if that is making a problem.
Any suggestions?
Make sure you don't have anything running on the background that produces the same data -you can inspect all running processes with htop-. As I mentioned in my answer below, my problem was both the actual camera and Gazebo plugin was publishing the same topic with the same frame as I did not realize the camera wrapper node was running on background. For example, imagine in your SLAM toolbox, there is a laser scanner and publishes /laser topic on laser_frame. On the other hand, you have a robot equipped with a laser plugin and you spawned it into Gazebo, where /laser topic is been published on laser_frame. In this case, because of this same topic and frame name, tf might produce this error.
@nedo99 Please don't use an answer to ask a question, this isn't a forum. You'll get more visibility (and help!) by creating your own question and referencing this one