ROS hydro xsens_driver for MTi
Does the xsens_driver ( ) support hydro? As there is no files under the hydro version.
Thanks in advance!
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Does the xsens_driver ( ) support hydro? As there is no files under the hydro version.
Thanks in advance!
The master branch cannot work directly for ROS hydro version.
But we could install the ros-hydro-gps-common from the Synaptic Package Manager.
And then $git clone $catkin_make
After that, it should work
To use the xsens_driver, the USB access shall be changed to the administrator
$sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
Then the xsens_driver could be launched and the imu data could be viewed by the following command.
$roslaunch xsens_driver xsens_driver.launch $rostopic echo /imu/data
Have you tried installing it from debs?
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-xsens-driver
Works for me, and appears to install the appropriate driver nodes. I don't have an xsens, so I can't test if the driver actually works or not.
Asked: 2014-11-23 22:37:17 -0500
Seen: 350 times
Last updated: Nov 24 '14