Failed to use gmapping launchfile [new user]
I have slam_gmapping package that contains these folders:
I want to launch it with launch file with my own parameters.
the steps I have done are as follow:
download the package
copy the package to the catkin_ws --> src
make a build folder in gmapping folder, so it is now look like this:
slam_gmapping-hydro-devel gmapping launch src test build slam_gmapping
build the package using make, cmake .., catkin_make (don't know exactly what they do!)
The question is after those steps, "roslaunch gmapping [Tab]" does not find any launch file But there is a launch file "slam_gmapping_pr2.launch" in launch folder I also tried to use launch file provided here . But the same problem exist. The problem is that ROS does not detect any launch file in the gmapping package! how can I solve the problem?