ERROR: cannot launch node of type [arbotix_python/arbotix_driver]: can't locate node [arbotix_driver] in package [arbotix_python]
Hello!I want ask a question:
when i roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_pi_robot.launch
, then the terminate display:
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [24627]
started core service [/rosout]
**ERROR: cannot launch node of type [arbotix_python/arbotix_driver]: can't locate node [arbotix_driver] in package [arbotix_python]**
process[robot_state_publisher-3]: started with pid [24640]
process[odom_left_wheel_broadcaster-4]: started with pid [24659]
process[odom_right_wheel_broadcaster-5]: started with pid [24672]
I don't know its reason,if you know,can you help me?
Also: for future questions: please include ROS distribution, Linux distribution and any relevant package information.
hello, I have the same problem with you. Did you solve this problem? Could you tell me how?