Error in dependencies voxel_grid
When I make rosdep check costmap_2d
i get this error :
System dependencies have not been satisified:
apt ros-groovy-map-msgs
ERROR[costmap_2d]: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [voxel_grid]
rosdep key : voxel_grid
OS name : ubuntu
OS version : precise
Data: <no data>
Howerver, i already have created a package voxel_grid, which had any error. I really don't know what to do I'm using groovy (Ubuntu 12.04)
Hi, did you put voxel grid in pacake.xml and cmakelists ?
Yes I have
Is it same build as you are trying in other question, I mean same package or different. If different please post package.xml and cmakelist
It is the same package but I'm trying to solve two issues : one is that the pcl/conversions.h is not found the second is that the voxel_grid dependencies is not satisfied, that why I posted two question