ax2550 motor controller calibration for ros node compatibility?
Hello, I'm using a ROS driver for the ax2550 motor controller found here:
I have plugged the device into a serial-->usb converter, which then goes into my computer. However, when I run the node using:
rosrun ax2550 ax2550_node /dev/ttyUSB0 (this is the port its connected to)
I get the error:
[ INFO] [1405453884.235150040]: AX2550 connecting to port /dev/ttyUSB0
[ERROR] [1405453886.236099864]: Failed to connect to the AX2550: Synchronization Exception: did not receive an R/C message after reset, file /home/randy/catkin_ws/src/toro/src/ax2550.cpp, line 315.
[ INFO] [1405453886.503068921]: Will try to reconnect to the AX2550 in 5 seconds.
I emailed the author of the node, and he told me that the device has to be configured in a specific way to work with the node, but that he doesn't specifically remember how. I am attempting to look through this document to try to understand the code/how it expects the device to be configured/how to configure it this way, but am not making much progress because I don't really understand most of the document. Anyone know what settings I should be trying to change?
I've fixed the formatting a bit: add 4 spaces before any lines that you want quoted as-is (your console copy/paste). Also, please note that tags are not separated by hashes, but spaces (this is not twitter).
Thanks, any idea what could be going wrong?
Any luck figuring out the configuration on the ax2550 side of things? We are having the exact same error.
Did you find the solution for this?.. Even iam struggling with the same issue