2dnav goal not work for me
Hi, sorry for my english. I beginner in Ros and I'm trying to send a goal to simulated pr2 robot in gazebo. For this, I'm following SendingSimpleGoals tutorial. Previously, I've run the following commands in differents consoles:
roslaunch pr2_2dnav pr2_2dnav.launch
roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
rosrun pr2_tuckarm tuck_arms.py -r t -l t
rosrun map_server map_server map.yaml
roslaunch pr2_navigation_global rviz_move_base.launch
When I clic and drag "Set 2D Pose Estimated" the Pr2 move to indicated pose but when I clic and drag the "2D Nav Goal" the robot stands still
The goal topic is run:
rostopic list | grep move_base/goal
return move_base/goal
Anyone could help me?
Thanks in advance