How can I convert PointCloud2 to PointCloud?
Hi ! I have some problems when I run a "laser-perception.launch" of PR2. The errors are:
Client [/point_cloud_assembler] wants topic /tilt_scan_cloud_filtered to have datatype/md5sum [**sensor_msgs/PointCloud**/d8e9c3f5afbdd8a130fd1d2763945fca], but our version has [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2/1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181]. Dropping connection
and so is the topic /tilt_scan_cloud
. The topics' type is sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
So I think the solution is that PointCloud2
should be converted to PointCloud
. But I don't know how convert PointCloud2 to PointCloud in a launch file. thank you so much.
My ROS is fuerte. the "laser-perception.launch" is in