tf and amcl turtlebot demo immediately after gmap demo
On the turtlebot I am trying to launch the amcl demo after launching the gmapping demo, but without shutting down all of ros.
Usually I can get the gmapping to work (that's the first demo I test) and then the amcl will partially work. I can load a map using 'map_store' and then see the map on the rviz screen. I also can usually see the turtlebot on the rviz screen. I have trouble directing the turtlebot, though, and I don't exactly know why.
When I look at the RobotModel listing under the 'Displays' box in rviz it's red, and the cause is that the tf's from all the components are red. (base_footprint, base_link, etc., all red). They all say 'No transform from [base_footprint] to [map]'. When I execute view_frames and look at the pdf it says "no tf data received". When I type rostopic list '/tf' comes up as one of my topics. Is there something I can start that will restart the tf data in the turtlebot?
If I don't start gmapping first I can usually load a map and direct the turtlebot with /initialpose, etc.