PCL failing compilation - Fedora 16 - Segmentation fault
I have been desperately trying to get some ROS packages working on Fedora 16 x86_64. I fixed some of the issues, but this seems like the only problem left.
I'm trying to compile pcl library and eventually gazebo..
So far... rosmake pcl Results in this error: This is the end of the output of the log file:
-- CMinPack found (include: /home/TheLegace/ros/perception_pcl/cminpack/include, libs: optimized;/home/TheLegace/ros/perception_pcl/cminpack/lib/libcminpack.so;debug;/usr/lib64/libcminpack.so)
-- Try OpenMP C flag = [-fopenmp]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Success
-- Try OpenMP CXX flag = [-fopenmp]
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED
-- Performing Test OpenMP_FLAG_DETECTED - Success
-- Found OpenMP: -fopenmp
-- Found OpenNI: /usr/lib64/libOpenNI.so
-- OpenNI found (include: /usr/include/ni, lib: /usr/lib64/libOpenNI.so)
-- Found Qhull: /usr/lib64/libqhull.so
-- QHULL found (include: /usr/include/qhull, lib: optimized;/usr/lib64/libqhull.so;debug;/usr/lib64/libqhull.so)
-- ROS_ROOT /home/TheLegace/ros/ros
-- Found ROS; USE_ROS is ON
-- Found ROS package std_msgs path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/messages/std_msgs
-- Found ROS package sensor_msgs path: /home/TheLegace/ros/common_msgs/sensor_msgs
-- Found ROS package roscpp_serialization path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/clients/cpp/roscpp_serialization
-- Found ROS package cpp_common path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/utilities/cpp_common
-- Found ROS package rostime path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/utilities/rostime
-- Found ROS package roscpp_traits path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/clients/cpp/roscpp_traits
-- Found ROS package roscpp path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/clients/cpp/roscpp
-- Found ROS package rosconsole path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/tools/rosconsole
-- Found ROS package std_msgs path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/messages/std_msgs
-- Found ROS package rosbag path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/tools/rosbag
-- Found ROS package topic_tools path: /home/TheLegace/ros/ros_comm/tools/topic_tools
-- Found ROS package pcl path: /home/TheLegace/ros/perception_pcl/pcl
/bin/sh: line 31: 15923 Segmentation fault (core dumped) cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/../../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DUSE_ROS=ON -DFLANN_INCLUDE_DIR=`rospack find flann`/include -DFLANN_LIBRARY=`rospack find flann`/lib/libflann.so -DCMINPACK_INCLUDE_DIR=`rospack find cminpack`/include -DCMINPACK_LIBRARY=`rospack find cminpack`/lib/libcminpack.so -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF -DBUILD_OPENNI=ON -DBUILD_apps=OFF -DBUILD_common=ON -DBUILD_features=ON -DBUILD_filters=ON -DBUILD_global_tests=OFF -DBUILD_io=ON -DBUILD_octree=ON -DBUILD_kdtree=ON -DBUILD_keypoints=ON -DBUILD_range_image=ON -DBUILD_registration=ON -DBUILD_sample_consensus=ON -DBUILD_segmentation=ON -DBUILD_surface=ON -DBUILD_visualization=ON -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON ..
make: *** [installed] Error 139
I appreciate any help trying to fix it.