No laser scan received
I'm trying to use amcl to localize my robot using a bag file. Steps I do are these:
1) Publishing the map: rosrun map_server map_server map.yaml
2) Running amcl: rosrun amcl amcl scan:=base_scan _odom_frame:=odom_combided
3) Playing the bag file: rosbag play small.bag
Published topics are:
But amcl node prints out this message continuously: [ WARN] [1391522838.082207618]: No laser scan received (and thus no pose updates have been published) for 1391522838.082082 seconds. Verify that data is being published on the /base_scan topic.
And /amcl_pose publishes nothing.
rxgraph output:
can you post your tf tree?
It's not just a typo `odom_combided` != `odom_combined`?