bad plugin info hash
I installed the openrave_robot_control plugin under ROS Diamondback and I was able to successfully run "rosmake" on the source. Then I loaded the plugin into my OPENRAVE_PLUGINS environment variable:
export OPENRAVE_PLUGINS=$OPENRAVE_PLUGINS:rospack find openrave
/share/openrave/plugins:rospack find openrave_robot_control
The issue comes when I run "openrave --listplugins" and I get the following error: [plugindatabase.h:832] /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/openrave_planning/openrave_robot_control/lib/ failed to load: openrave (InvalidPlugin): [void OpenRAVEGetPluginAttributes(OpenRAVE::PLUGININFO, int, const char):87] bad plugin info hash
Anyone else experience this?
Thanks, Chris