stl error loading
I'm trying to create a Robot URDF and represent it in RVIZ and I have two problems when inserting the geometry using <mesh> (when I used simple geometries the robot's representation was ok).
If the link's <geometry> is STL extension represents only some pieces of it. Also it is the same if I try whit any of the STL files of PR2 (for example head_v0.stl), only represents some lines. Why not represent STL files well? (no errors in terminal and RVIZ)
If I transform the object to Collada (.dae) exporting with the program "Blender", for example, this is represented correctly, but in white, when the object is of a different color!.
Ubuntu 11.04, ROS diamondback, stack robot_model install.
Can anyone help me with one of the two problems?
Sorry for my English, I am Spanish and I don't write/speak english very well.
The URDF robot is not the problem, but it is:
<robot name="QuadRotor">
<link name="Base"> <visual> <geometry> <mesh filename="package://modelquad/modelvisual/Objetos_solid_edge/pelican_simplificado.stl" scale="0.0255 0.0255 0.0255"/> </geometry> <material name="verde"> <color rgba="0 1 0 1"/> </material> </visual> </link>
<link name="Brazo_1"> <visual> <geometry> <cylinder length="0.62" radius="0.0225"/> </geometry> <material name="negro"> <color rgba="0 0 0 1"/> </material> <origin rpy="0 1.57075 0" xyz="0 0 0"/> </visual> </link>
<joint name="Base_Brazo_1" type="fixed"> <parent link="Base"/> <child link="Brazo_1"/> <origin xyz="0.31 0 0"/> </joint>