tinyxml and yaml-cpp
I am trying to install opencv packages on a Gumstix Overo COM. I have successfully installed the base ROS functions such as roscore, rosmake, etc. and I can run roscore with several nodes. However, some of the opencv packages require tinyxml and yaml-cpp, which rosdep is not able to install on the Gumstix's ARM processor. Thus, I tried to install the packages from source:
yaml-cpp : http://code.google.com/p/yaml-cpp/downloads/list
tinyxml : http://code.google.com/p/libtinyxml/
Both programs compile/install natively with: cmake, make, sudo make install.
However, rosdep still can't find the system dependencies for tinyxml and yaml-cpp.
Where does rosdep look for the system dependencies?
Gumstix OS: Ubuntu 10.04 Using ROS Electric