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Code completion for Eclipse with PCL on ROS electric

asked 2011-10-20 03:42:59 -0500

alfa_80 gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:10:36 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I would like to use PCL with ROS, but it seems that my eclipse is not automatically configured for PCL-related services to use code completion. The general ROS code has no problem at all. I am using ROS electric anyway. Hopefully any eclipse user/developer can guide me on this.

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1 Answer

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answered 2011-12-01 03:12:36 -0500

Moataz Elmasry gravatar image

I had the same problem, using electric, and I finally solved it, I can't tell exactly how, but I'll tell you the steps I followed

1- Remove everything in folder CMakeList and file CMakeCache.txt 2- If you called on the that package "make eclipse-project", then remove .cprojet and .project files 3- My dependancy in manifest.xml is as follows: <depend package="roslib"/> <depend package="roscpp"/> <depend package="std_msgs"/> <depend package="eigen"/> <depend package="pcl"/> <depend package="pcl_ros"/> <depend package="geometry_msgs"/> <depend package="sensor_msgs"/> and yes I know there are some redundancies, but maybe this is what helped in my case

4- After that call the following inside your package: rosmake --pre-clean --rosdep-install

5- Finally call: cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" 6- Then import the project into eclipse. In my case it worked

Good luck

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if you already have imported the project under eclipse, then please remove it before applying these steps
Moataz Elmasry gravatar image Moataz Elmasry  ( 2011-12-01 04:18:46 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2011-10-20 03:42:59 -0500

Seen: 699 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '11