TurtleBot gmapping and amcl demos FATAL footprint error for move_base
(Ticket 5185 submitted.)
Using the latest Electric debians for the TurtleBot stack, running either the gmapping or amcl demo throws a FATAL move_base error as follows:
[ INFO] [1317172658.105549257]: Received a 320 X 512 map at 0.050000 m/pix
[FATAL] [1317172658.745797230]: The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server, /move_base/global_costmap/footprint was specified as [] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server with at least 3 points eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]]
[move_base-9] process has died [pid 25570, exit code -6]. log files: /home/patrick/.ros/log/63dc7caa-e95e-11e0-a56b-002163a7d4bb/move_base-9*.log