build error cannot find GetStateValidity.h
I am trying to perform the tutorial that checks the collision for a given robot state. However, once I try to build the arm_navigation_tutorials package I receive the following build error:
/home/wouter/ros/workspace/arm_navigation_tutorials/src/get_state_validity.cpp:2:56: fatal error: planning_environment_msgs/GetStateValidity.h: No such file or directory
I downloaded the debian package ros-diamondback-motion-planning-common that includes the 'planning_environment_msgs' package and added opt/ros/diamondback/stacks to my ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
My ROS_PACKAGE_PATH thus includes my workspace, opt/ros/diamondback/stacks and opt/ros/electric/stacks because I am using ROS electric on Ubuntu 11.04. So rosmake should be able to find GetStateVAlidity.h.
Do you have any idea why rosmake cannot find GetStateValidity.h?