rosserial spinOnce() blocks if not connected to ROS
Using rosserial with an Arduino, I find that spinOnce() blocks if not connected to ROS, which makes sense (since how can you locally know when to go), so I am wondering if the standard call (for nodeHandle nh) inside the loop() should be:
if (nh.connected()) nh.spinOnce();
else { with having disconnected from ROS and make the robot safe....then wait for reconnection....}
I saw on the logging page:
//wait until you are actually connected
while (!nh.connected() ){
but from what I am seeing with the arduino, you would get the same result with
alone, since it blocks. Is that correct?
Once ROS has disconnected, is there some way to put the arduino in a state where it can accept a reconnect cleanly?
Thanks again for all your help with this.