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OpenRAVE installation fails

asked 2011-09-13 20:10:09 -0500

ZdenekM gravatar image

updated 2011-09-15 00:43:46 -0500


I would like to try OpenRAVE together with ROS (Electric), but there is problem with installation.

When "rosdep install openrave_robot_control orrosplanning openrave_sensors" is executed, i get this error:

Execution failed with OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error
rosdep install ERROR:
failed to install collada-dom

But collada-dom (libcollada15dom-dev) is installed in my system (Ubuntu 11.04, x86_64).

When I try rosmake (instead of rosdep install...) it compiles for long time with some warnings. But after successful compilation, I can't run any demo... For example "roslaunch openrave_robot_control schunkarm_sim.launch" gives me this error:

ERROR: cannot launch node of type
[openrave_robot_control/simulationserver]: Cannot locate node of type
[simulationserver] in package [openrave_robot_control]

Is there any solution? Thanks a lot.

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4 Answers

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answered 2012-02-23 19:52:13 -0500

openrave_robot_control now compiles with ros electric

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answered 2011-09-17 04:42:46 -0500

thanks for the report! we just fixed it in jsk-ros-pkg r2172

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answered 2011-09-18 20:00:03 -0500

ZdenekM gravatar image

updated 2011-09-18 20:00:35 -0500


there is some advancement (rev 2174), but now compilation fails with

[ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package openrave_robot_control.

I uploaded logfile here.

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answered 2011-09-19 04:29:46 -0500

actually, openrave_robot_control does not compile with the latest ros electric. we're working hard to update it, but some things in ros core changed making it very difficult...

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Asked: 2011-09-13 20:10:09 -0500

Seen: 674 times

Last updated: Feb 23 '12