Roomba teleoperation and telepresence... need help
I have a Roomba 550, an IRobot SCI cable, a laptop running Ubuntu and installed ROS and went through most of the tutorials. I've done some coding, have worked in IT for 2 decades, built a 12 servo music bot with pedals, swtiches and shift registers leveraging a Basic Stamp... but I'm a novice and not a developer or Engineer by trade. I'm finding it difficult to put the pieces together to get some basic navigation in place for the Roomba (without the Kinect for now). Can someone help me get started with some basic instruction with installing the Roomba 550 code, getting web-based control of the roomba in place. I have a platform on the Roomba for the laptop and I currently have Windows installed with Roborealm. Telepresence works great and I can control the bot remotely using skype and Roborealm.... but once the trial runs out, I don't want to buy it. I'm really interested in learning ROS and getting the Roomba &/or turtlebot code working with it.... and once I'm comfortable, add a kinect and maybe a manipulator someday. I really need someone to take me under their wing. I know I can get this with the right help. For now, some instruction on getting the roomba to move around the room with remote operation... would be a a good start.